Denver ISSA Logo


Denver ISSA

Denver ISSA is a not-for-profit organization with a mission of “Developing and Connecting Denver’s Cybersecurity Community.” We do this by providing Chapter Meetings each month, Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings based upon industry verticals, in-depth training classes, happy hours for networking, and volunteer opportunities. We are the Denver Chapter of the International Information Systems Security Association (ISSA). To learn more about ISSA, or to become a member, visit

Our Chapter

The Denver Chapter of the ISSA organizes a number of security events, including:

CPE’s are available for most of our events with the only exception at this time being Happy Hours. We maintain a record of attendance so if you are audited, we can provide a record of the events you attended.

Monthly Chapter Meetings during which we typically invite speakers to address different security issues. The meetings are held in three locations (Denver Tech Center, Downtown Denver, and Boulder). The topics vary from non-technical (leadership, compliance, metrics, security awareness) to highly technical (deep dives on specific technologies). The meetings also provide great networking opportunities with other Information Security professionals in the Denver area.

Training Events are held regularly to give a deep-dive training to chapter members. These events are generally limited in attendance (50 - 80) and normally free to members. 

Special Interest Groups (SIG’s) are groups within Denver ISSA that promotes a focused view of Information Security within an industry vertical. Examples of these SIG’s are Finance, Government, Healthcare, Oil & Gas, and Women In Security. These groups meet in a variety of settings and for lengths of time of to a half-day. This allows for topics to be explored in depth. 

Happy hours are held intermittently to give members the opportunity to socialize. These events have no formal agenda, other than meeting and networking with other security professionals. These events are held throughout the metro area. 

The Denver chapter holds meetings year round, with our annual meeting and board election in June. If you would like to contact a board member or any of the other chapter members involved in the leadership and coordination of chapter services, please see our Board Members page or use our Contact Form.
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